SE's new instructor

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Post by sarahp » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:42 pm

mckeann wrote:
To me, it seems a good idea to have an instructor available for hire at tracknights, but obviously its gotta be through knockhill, and not privately like we arranged. Hopefully you'll still do the instruction, but through the proper channels



If its done properly (which is my fault it wasn't first time) then I'd love to do some more instructing for you guys in future. Knockhill has had their current system in place for a long time so it obviously works and the idea is that the customers do get free instruction as part of their entry cost so it would work out cheaper for you guys too really :)

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Post by mckeann » Wed Jun 14, 2006 5:50 pm

cheers sarah, we'll need to start asking Knockhill, when we book the trackday, if there will be an instructor, so hopefully they are more inclined to start offering that option


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Post by JohnStewart » Wed Jun 14, 2006 6:12 pm

At SIDC days, we normally pay for the instructor from Knockhill which people are then to use for free during the event.

This means that Knockhill make some money form it, the instructor makes some money from it, and those taking part don’t pay any extra.

When Sarah contacted me, I replied that it was OK for her to come along, as long as it was OK with KH. Costs were very tight on this event, with any excess going to Uldis to help cover the BBQ/drinks costs, so this seemed like a good solution so that only those using the instructor paid for it.

Sasha called me in during the event on Friday, and gave me the same reason, that it could start a bidding/spamming war between some of the instructors if they could deal directly with those taking part in/organising events. This would ultimately lead to squabbles, and several people trying to promote themselves at each event which isn’t a situation that anyone wants.

At future SIDC events, we’ll do our usual thing and hire an instructor from Knockhill, which everyone can use for free. We only confirm this a few days before each event (as Sasha and Ian will happily confirm - as they are often looking around at the last minute to see who is available), as we need to be able to cover our costs for the track hire and the instructor (and Wheels Around if they can make it).

Hope this helps clarify the situation.


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