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4 way training

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:23 pm
by ryallm
For Scotty and a few others who might be interested, some pics from my 4 way team training camp in Seville last week. 1050 jumps between 5 teams, 3 malfunctions with reserve rides (not on my team fortunately), 1 premature main parachute deployment at 15,000 ft (my team mate and my fault!), several 'out' landings amongst the olive groves, no serious injuries and a heap of fun. It was quite a week.

The dream team:


Looking out the door at 15k. Notice how small the runway looks!

A good linked exit just after leaving the plane:

Cranking out the formations above the clouds:

Breaking off at 4k - the runway has got bigger :)

Re: 4 way training

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:36 pm
by Peter
What happens with a deployment at 15k'??

long wait to get down or more potenetial issues such as hypoxia etc?

Re: 4 way training

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:45 pm
by ryallm
My team mate James had the presence of mind to spiral the canopy to loose height quickly, otherwise hypoxia would indeed be a risk. Fortunately the upper winds weren't strong otherwise he could have ended up miles from the DZ. It was a bit a of a serious screw up, but we were all able to laugh about it in the bar afterwards :)